(서울=연합뉴스) 왕길환 기자 = 세계 최대 청원 사이트 '체인지닷오아르지'(www.change.org)에서 진행된 '2020년 일본 도쿄(東京) 올림픽 욱일기 응원 반대' 청원 참여자가 4개월 만에 5만명을 넘어섰다.
21일 현재 이 사이트의 '지구촌 평화의 축제인 2020년 도쿄 올림픽에 군국주의 상징인 욱일기 응원을 금지해주세요'라는 제목의 청원(http://chng.it/vSXKkPyQ)에 서명한 사람은 5만70명으로 집계됐다.
3만5천명 이상이 자신의 사회관계망서비스(SNS)로 청원을 공유했고, 2천명이 의견을 냈다.
사이버외교사절단 반크가 작년 9월 24일 이 사이트에 청원을 올렸다.
청원에서 올림픽헌장 50조 2항을 인용하며 글을 시작했다. "어떤 시위나 정치적, 종교적, 인종적 선전도 올림픽과 관련된 장소나 지역에서는 허용되지 않는다"
1936년 베를린 올림픽을 예로 들며 독일 나치가 베를린 올림픽에서 군국주의의 상징인 '하켄크로이츠'를 이용해 올림픽을 군국주의 선전의 장으로 만들었다고 설명했다. 욱일기가 갖는 의미를 잘 모르는 외국인들에게 나치의 하켄크로이츠를 활용해 이해를 도운 것이다.
반크는 이들 5만명의 청원 명단과 2천명의 의견을 토마스 바흐 IOC(국제올림픽위원회) 위원장과 IOC 사무국에 이메일로 보냈다.
반크는 서한에서 "청원 사이트에 서명한 세계 곳곳의 5만명은 전범기인 욱일기가 평화와 국제친선의 축제인 올림픽에 사용되는 것에 심각한 문제의식을 느끼고 있다"며 "욱일기는 제2차 세계대전의 끔찍한 고통을 떠올리게 하는 독일 나치의 하켄크로이츠처럼 아시아인들에게 큰 아픔을 상기시키는 정치적 상징물"이라고 주장했다.
그러면서 IOC는 욱일기 응원을 공식적으로 금지해야 할 뿐만 아니라 일본 정부가 도쿄 올림픽을 정치적 선전도구로 이용하려는 어떠한 행위도 용납하지 말아야 한다고 강조했다.
도쿄올림픽에서 욱일기를 사용하지 못하도록 해달라는 내용의 청원이 '체인지닷오아르지' 라는 사이트에 올라가 있다 합니다.
관련링크 : Ban the use of the Rising Sun Flag in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
Please ban the use of the Rising Sun Flag, a flag used by the Japanese Imperial Army, for cheering at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, an event representing global peace!
Section 2 of Article 50 of the Olympic Charter states: ‘No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.’
Do you remember the Olympic Games that left the most disgraceful blot in the history of the Olympics?
It is the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games.
Adolf Hitler, leader of the German Nazi party, tried to demonstrate to the world the physical superiority of the Aryan race through the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Essentially using a peaceful event to push agendas of racism, fear, and war.
The Nazi aimed to be exonerated of their racism and militarism. They tried to exploit the Berlin Olympic Games as a political propaganda to rationalize the invasion of neighboring countries.
World citizens today call the Berlin Olympics the “most disgraceful Olympic Games”. An event meant to promote peace abused to further a political propaganda of hate and racism.
Seen all through out the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games was the Hakenkreuz, the symbol of Nazi militarism. The striking red flag with a bold black swastika that is widely recognized as a symbol of war, death, hate, racism, and the holocaust.
But did you know?
The 1936 Berlin Olympics, remembered as the world’s most shameful history of undermining the spirit of the Olympics, is being revived with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?
The Japanese government is trying to make the 2020 Tokyo Olympics a militaristic propaganda just like the Nazi did with the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Recently, the Japanese government has approved the use of the Rising Sun Flag — the flag used by the Japanese Imperial Army during WWII — at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
On September 2019, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics Organizing Committee announced that the Rising Sun Flag has been used broadly throughout Japan and does not include any political significance. A very inconsiderate and shallow point of view.
Japan’s Olympic minister, Hashimoto Seiko also approved the use of the Rising Sun Flag on the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
The Rising Sun Flag is the Japanese Self-Defense Forces’ flag and is the symbol of Japanese imperialistic war of aggression. The war where 10 million innocent civilians were tortured, raped, and murdered; The war where 200,000 girls were kidnapped to be used as sex-slaves in the Japanese Army, just to be murdered later.
The Japanese Rising Sun flag represents the same fear to Asians, the same fear that the Nazi used to oppress and murder 6 million Jewish civilians.
In 1870, the Japanese Army designated the Rising Sun Flag as their army flag!
In 1889, the Japanese Navy designated the Rising Sun Flag as their naval ensign!
The flag flew during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894!
During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904!
During the brutal Colonization of Korea in 1910!
During the Manchurian Incident in 1931!
During the Nanjing Massacre in 1937!
During the aggressive Pacific War, where Japan invaded Asian countries while committing horrific war crimes.
The Japanese military had put up the Rising Sun Flag all over Asia, including Korea, China, and Southeast Asia!
From 1910 to 1945, the Japanese occupied Korea forcibly, imprisoning the entire Korean peninsula to torture, murder, rape, exploitation, and the destruction of Korean culture!
Japanese imperialism seized material resources and free human beings of the Korean peninsula, trampling the Korean language and culture. Which effects are still seen to this day.
Japanese imperialism extended beyond the Korean peninsula, committed numerous war crimes: massacres, genocides, human experimentation, sexual slavery, rape, terrorism, exploitation and infringement of basic human rights.
The Japanese Rising Sun flag is a reminder to this brutality the entire Asian continent suffered from. The same brutality that led to 20 million people being relieved of their hopeful lives. People just like you and me, living breathing people who held dreams of their future and hopes; their lives crushed under the boot of Japanese imperialism.
So the way Asian people feel about the Rising Sun Flag is the same as how the Jewish people feel about the Nazi's Hakenkreuz--a reminder of a period of suffering.
In European countries like France and Poland, the use of the Nazi’s Hakenkreuz is forbidden by law. If violated, with severe consequences.
Unlike Germany, who have completely tabooed their past, Japan still uses the Rising Sun Flag as their Self-Defense Force’s flag to this day. In 1954, Japanese Ground and Maritime Self-Defense Forces designated the Rising Sun Flag as their symbolic flag.
The Japanese government’s use of the Rising Sun Flag without any formal apology or recognition of their history, sparked Korean outrage.
However this isn’t a matter in the past, the Japanese government is again trying to use the Rising Sun Flag: But in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
If Germany were to host the Olympic Games and announce to the international community that it would allow the Hakenkreuz, how would the citizens of European countries who were affected by Nazi Germany’s massacre and biological experimentations react? How would the world citizens who had suffered under the Nazi Hakenkreuz react?
The same shock and anger that Koreans felt when the Japanese government announced the use of the Rising Sun Flag in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
The Japanese government insists that using the Rising Sun Flag does not include ‘political propaganda’, but it is self-evident that it does.
Most importantly, we want to prevent the repeat of the German Nazi’s Berlin Olympics, which violated the Olympic spirit of peace and cooperation, in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Your participation in the petition can prevent Japan’s reviving militarism!
<“Please ban the use of the Rising Sun Flag, a flag used by the Japanese Imperial Army, for cheering at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, an event representing global peace!”>
The use of the Rising Sun Flag must be banned in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics!
The Rising Sun Flag should be included in the list of restricted items in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics!
The International Olympic Committee should issue a warning to the Japanese Olympic Committee for violating the Olympic Charter that no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas!
* The Symbol of Japanese imperialism history: The Rising Sun Flag
* The Truth about the Rising Sun Flag
* Ban the Rising Sun Flag
* The Rising Sun Flag, the symbol of Japanese militarism and imperialist war!
전세계적으로 유명한 청원사이트이니만큼 여기서 많은 지지를 받는다면 청원내용처럼 욱일기 사용허용 방침을 바꿀 수는 없다 하더라도 욱일기가 하켄크로이츠기와 같은 전범기라는 걸 알리는 기회가 아닐까 싶습니다.
현재 도쿄올림픽에 욱일기 사용에 대해 올림픽위원회에선 논란이 되면 제재하겠다는 생각입니다. 미리 막을 생각은 없는 것이죠..
따라서 아예 막기위해 올림픽을 보이콧하는 것보다 욱일기가 왜 전범기인지를 알리는 것이 더 중요하다 생각하고 위의 청원도 비록 도쿄올림픽에 욱일기 사용을 금지해 달라는 청원이지만 왜 금지해야만 하는지를 알려 앞으로도 욱일기가 전범기임을 인식시키도록 알리는게 중요하다 보여집니다. 그래야 도쿄올림픽 이후에도 전세계에서 사용을 하지 않도록 할 수 있을테니까요..
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